Think Tank: Research Trials for the treatment of Hip Osteoarthritis (non-CME)
Hosted by AOSSM and the Arthritis Foundation. Separate Registration Required
Invite Only
The Field House
Location: Hall A
Connect with colleagues and industry for networking, education, live podcasts, competitions, and other activities. It's so much more than an exhibit hall!
Residents & Fellows Forum (non-CME)
Back by popular demand after two "sold out" years, this dynamic session is designed especially for residents and fellows. Get invaluable guidance from leadrs in the field to help you navigate your professional journey and set the foundation for success.
Separate registration required. Add this forum to your Annual Meeting registration at no additional cost.
The Field House
Location: Hall A
Connect with colleagues and industry for networking, education, live podcasts, competitions, and other activities. It's so much more than an exhibit hall!
AOSSM Subspecialty Certification Exam Prep Course*
Separate registration required. Attend in person by adding this course to your Annual Meeting Registration. Virtual registration will open soon; stay tuned!
This high-impact, comprehensive course is designed specifically for fellows and practicing sports medicine professionals preparing for the ABOS Sports Medicine Subspecialty Certification Exam.
Led by legends in sports medicine, the course features expert-led lectures, case-based discussions, and invaluable insights into exam topics, ensuring you leave confident and prepared. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your knowledge and sharpen your skills with guidance from the best in the field.