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Full Program

Full Schedule Now Available

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Next Generation of Orthobiologics

Location: Walter E Washington Convention Center, Room 103

Presented by

In collaboration with the Biologic Association

Symposium Co-Chairs:

  • Jason L. Dragoo, MD, FAAOS
  • Scott Rodeo, MD, FAAOS
  • Shane A. Shapiro, MD

Add the Biologics Symposium to your Annual Meeting registration or register for the Symposium only. The Symposium-only package also includes access to the Exhibit Hall and Welcome Reception on Thursday.


8:00 am - 8:05 am

Introduction of Symposium and Speakers

Jason L. Dragoo, MD, FAAOS

Professor and Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, Endowed Chair of Regenerative Medicine, University of Colorado

8:05 am - 8:45 am

Session 1: Rules of Engagement

Moderator: Jason L. Dragoo, MD, FAAOS

Understanding the FDA Regulatory Pathways for Approval of Orthobiologic Products
8:05 am-8:20 am

Scott Bruder, MD, PhD

Founder and CEO, Bruder Consulting

Standards Needed for Bedside (Same Surgical Procedure) Orthobiologic Procedures
8:20 am-8:35 am

Shane A. Shapiro, MD

Medical Director, Regenerative Medicine Therapeutics Program, Mayo Clinic

8:35 am-8:45 am
8:45 am - 12:00 pm

Session 2: Point of Care Processing of Autologous Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissue

Moderator: Shane A. Shapiro, MD

Medical Director, Regenerative Medicine Therapeutics Program, Mayo Clinic

Part 1

Bone Marrow Aspirate:

Standardized Cell Dosing of Bone Marrow Cells Using Optical Scanning
8:45 am-9:00 am

David C. Karli, MD, MBA

CEO, Greyledge Technologies

Automated Methods for Characterization of Cell Therapy Formulations
9:15 am-9:30 am

George F. Muschler, MD, FAAOS, FAOA, FORS, FAAAS

Professor of Orthopaedics and Biomedical Engineering, Director, Joint Preservation Center, Cleveland Clinic

Increase Yield of MSCs but Not WBCs in BMA Concentration
9:30 am-9:45 am

Michael R. Tucker, MD

Associate Medical Director, RegenLab USA LLC

9:45 am-10:00 am

10:00 am-10:15 am

Part 2

Adipose Tissue:

Modern Approaches to Adipose Bedside Processing
10:15 am-10:30 am

J. Peter Rubin, MD, MBA (remotely)

Endowed Professor and Chair of Plastic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh

Micronized Adipose Tissue (mFAT) for the Treatment of Cartilage Defects
10:30 am-10:45 am

Jason L. Dragoo, MD, FAAOS

Professor and Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, Endowed Chair of Regenerative Medicine, University of Colorado

Bedside Utilization of Adipose Tissue Using Commercial System
10:45 am-11:00 am

David Pearce, PhD

President, Innovation and Research, Sanford Health

Clinical Trials of Autologous Cultured Cells for Cartilage Regeneration
11:00 am-11:15 am

Daniel B.F. Saris, MD, PhD

Professor of Regenerative Medicine, Mayo Clinic

Guided Cartilage Regeneration Using Skeletal Progenitor Cells
11:15 am-11:30 am

Charles KF Chan, PhD

Assistant Professor, Stanford University Stem Cell Institute

New Cartilage Restoration Technologies from the US and Europe
11:30 am-11:45 am

Jeffery M. Gimble, MD, PhD

Co-Founder, Artecel Sciences Inc, LaCell LLC, Obatala Sciences Inc and Talaria Antibodies Inc.

11:45 am-12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Session 3: Point of Care Processing of Autologous Blood Products

Moderator: Scott Rodeo, MD, FAAOS

Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Weill Medical College, Cornell University, Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery

Harnessing the Power of Peripheral Blood MSCs
1:00 pm-1:15 am

Adam Anz, MD, FAAOS

Orthopedic Surgeon, Andrews Institute

Gene-modified Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) in Rotator Cuff Repair
1:15 pm-1:30 pm

Scott Rodeo, MD, FAAOS

Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Weill Medical College, Cornell University, Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery

Plasma Concentration of Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M)
1:30 pm-1:45 pm

Gaetano J. Scuderi, MD

Founder, Cytonics Corporation

Production of Personalized Formulations of PRP
1:45 pm-2:00 pm

Xiaoning (Jenny) Yuan, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of PM&R, Uniformed Services University

2:00 pm-2:15 pm
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Session 4: Future Directions of Biologics

Moderator: Jason L. Dragoo, MD, FAAOS

Professor and Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, Endowed Chair of Regenerative Medicine, University of Colorado

Dosed Autologous Products: USA
2:15 pm-2:30 pm

Robert J. Harman, DVM, MPVM

CEO/Founder of VetStem, Inc and Personalized Stem Cells, Inc.

Dosed Autologous Products: Europe
2:30 pm-2:45 pm

Frank Barry, PhD

Professor of Cellular Therapy, Regenerative Medicine Institute, University of Galway

Distributed Manufacturing of Cell Therapies for Orthopedic Surgery
2:45 pm-3:00 pm

Dennis Powers, MS

Vice President, G-CON Manufacturing

Synergy Between Muscle Progenitor Cell and Bone Healing
3:00 pm-3:15 pm

Arnold Caplan, PhD

Professor and Director of the Skeletal Research Center, Case Western Reserve University

Future Directions Using Extracellular Vesicles (Exosomes)
3:15 pm-3:30 pm

C. Thomas Vangsness Jr, MD, FAAOS

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, Retired

3:30 pm-4:00 pm

4:00 pm-1:49 am
7:00 am - 8:30 am

Instructional Courses (IC101-IC108)*

8:40 am - 8:45 am

Welcome Message and General Session Kickoff

Don’t miss a moment! Join Mark D. Miller, MD, AOSSM President, for the official kick-off of the Annual Meeting.

8:45 am - 9:00 am

Color Guard Presentation

9:00 am - 10:00 am

General Session: Shoulder Instability

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderators: Julie Y. Bishop, MD and Albert Lin, MD

Paper 01: Distance-to-Dislocation Predicts Recurrent Dislocation and Return-to-Sport Following Latarjet
9:00 am-9:05 am

Albert Lin, MD

Paper 02: Distal Radius Allograft for Glenohumeral Instability: A Novel Osteochondral Allograft Reconstruction Option in the Setting of Glenoid Bone Loss
9:05 am-9:10 am

Adam Khan, MD

Paper 03: The Anterior Labral Circumferential Onlay Technique (ALCOT) Serves to Reconstruct the Anterior Labrum and Biomechanically Restores Anterior Glenohumeral Joint Stability
9:10 am-9:15 am

Maria Dey Hazra, MD

Paper 04: Acromial Morphology Differences in Primary versus Revision Posterior Shoulder Instability Patients
9:15 am-9:20 am

Conor F. McCarthy, MD

Paper 05: Inferior Hill-Sachs Position Predicts Failure Following Primary Bankart Repair for On-Track Lesions
9:20 am-9:25 am

Ting Cong, MD

9:25 am-9:30 am

Technique Spotlight Video: Anterior Labral Circumferential Onlay Technique (ALCOT)
9:30 am-9:36 am

Maria Dey Harza, MD

Technique Spotlight Video: Management of Posterior Bone Loss
9:36 am-9:42 am

Grant L. Jones, MD

Evolution of Arthroscopic Bone Grafting
9:42 am-9:48 am

Jonathan F. Dickens, MD

9:48 am-10:00 am
10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Exhibit Hall Open

Exhibit Hall re-opens from 4:30 - 6:30 pm for the Welcome Night Kick-off Party.

10:00 am - 10:45 am

Exhibit Hall Break

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

10:00 am - 10:45 am

Masters Competition

Location: Keystone Theater Red in the Exhibit Hall

2022 Red Jacket Winner, Dr. Matt Provencher, MD

Come see who wins the coveted AOSSM Red Jacket! This competition celebrates AOSSM luminaries as they present an innovation or technology that has provided high-end and far-reaching impact to their patients.

10:45 am - 11:45 am

Game Changer: Practice Makes Perfect (Sports Medicine Practice)

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderator: Stephen F. Brockmeier, MD

Paper 06: Is There a Home-Field Advantage in Sports Medicine Clinic? Comparing Well-Being Outcomes of Two Staffing Models
10:45 am-10:50 am

Alfred Atanda Jr., MD

Paper 07: Postoperative Opioid Usage and Disposal Strategies Following Outpatient Arthroscopic Sports Medicine Procedures: A Prospective Observational Study
10:50 am-10:55 am

William Johns, MD

10:55 am-11:00 am

AOSSM Futures Game: Fellowship is Over…How I Navigated the First Five Years in Practice, What Worked, and What I Would do Differently
11:00 am-11:07 am

F. Winston Gwathmey, MD

Optimizing my Practice and Staying Competitive in the Current Sports Medicine Environment: Tips and Innovations
11:07 am-11:14 am

Paul M. Sethi, MD

Becoming a Team Physician and Sustaining a Sports Medicine Career on the Sidelines
11:14 am-11:20 am

James E. Voos, MD

“Surgeon Coaching”: How We Implemented This at Our Institution And Possibilities for the Future
11:20 am-11:27 am

Martha M. Murray, MD

From Mentee to Mentor: Lifelong Learning & Navigating an Academic Career in Sports Medicine
11:27 am-11:35 am

Matthew T. Provencher, MD, MBA, MC USNR (Ret.)

Practice Makes Perfect Panel Discussion
11:35 am-11:45 am

Moderator: Matthew T. Provencher, MD, MBA, MC USNR (Ret.)


  • Stephen F. Brockmeier, MD
  • F. Winston Gwathmey, MD
  • Martha M. Murray, MD
  • Paul M. Sethi, MD
  • James E. Voos, MD
11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Journal Reviewers' Workshop*

Location: Marriott Marquis, Catholic University

Journal Health and Wellness

Edward M. Wojtys, MD Editor in Chief, Sports Health

The medical science publishing industry is in a state of flux! The traditional subscription journal model is being challenged by the open access movement, and authors, medical societies, editors, publishers, and the public should be aware of the forces and challenges involved in this dynamic scenario.

Machine Learning for the Experienced Orthopaedic Reviewer: It May Not Be as Confusing as You Think

David C. Landy, MD, PhD Associate Editor for Clinical Trials and Statistics, American Journal of Sports Medicine

What is machine learning? This workshop will describe its history and attempt to disentangle some of the confusing jargon in this emerging methodological field. Examples from the literature will be used to connect currently used machine learning algorithms to more familiar statistical models and concepts. Finally, potential pros and cons of machine learning in sports medicine will be discussed with a framework for how reviewers can approach the evaluation of manuscripts and articles.

11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Lunch Break in the Exhibit Hall

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Satellite Symposium: Redefining Rotator Cuff Healing: The Evidence-Based Approach

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 103

Speakers: Professor Emilio Calvo; Chaitanya Malempati, MD; Kelechi Okoroha, MD; Michael Freehill, MD

Join us for a lunchtime presentation and plated meal.

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Residents and Fellows Forum

Location: Marriott Marquis, Room Name: Congress

Moderators: James Carr, MD; Katherine Coyner, MD; Lutul Farrow, MD; F. Winston Gwathmey, MD; and Alan Zhang, MD

Residents and fellows are invited to join us for an exclusive opportunity to foster your growth as a well-rounded sports medicine surgeon.

Free to attend for registered Fellows and Residents. Advanced registration required.

1:00 pm-1:05 pm

Katherine Coyner, MD

Building Your Practice: Pearls and Pitfalls for the First Years After Your Fellowship
1:05 pm-1:35 pm

Alan Zhang, MD

Panelists: Steven DeFroda, MD; Abhishek Kannan, MD

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Assessing Your Job/Changing Your Job
1:35 pm-2:00 pm

Lutul Farrow, MD

Panelists: Gabriella Ode, MD; James Paci, MD

Under Pressure: Prepping for ABOS
2:00 pm-2:20 pm

James Carr, MD

Panelists: David Bernholt, MD; Brian Lau, MD

Creating a Culture of Success for ALL
2:20 pm-2:35 pm

Katherine Coyner, MD

Panelists: Augustus Mazzocca, MD; Leah Brown, MD

How to Make the OR Your Happy Place
2:35 pm-3:00 pm

F. Winston Gwathmey, MD

Panelists: Gregory Anderson, MD and Michelle Kew, MD

3:00 pm-4:00 pm

Connect with world-class surgeons during a networking experience that will address topics such as My Worst Day in the OR, Being a Team Doctor in 2023, Red Flags in Contract Negotiations/Renegotiations, How to Maintain and Foster Mentorship, and more.

Participating Sports Medicine Leaders:

  • Charles Bush-Joseph, MD
  • Eric Carson, MD
  • Sommer Hammoud, MD
  • Jo Hannafin, MD
  • Matthew Provencher, MD
  • Kurt Spindler, MD
  • And More!
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Concurrent Session A: Biologics

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon L

Moderators: Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA and Rachel M. Frank, MD

Paper 08: In Vitro Effects of Triamcinolone and Methylprednisolone on the Viability and Mechanics of Native Articular Cartilage
1:15 pm-1:20 pm

Dean Wang, MD

Paper 09: Serum Biochemical Biomarker Profiles Linked to Poor Knee Joint Health Are Not Associated with OA-Related Symptoms at 12 Months Post-ACLR
1:20 pm-1:25 pm

Caroline M. Lisee, PhD, ATC

Paper 10: Characterization of Bone in Osteochondral Allografts Utilizing Inflammatory-Mediated Cellular Death Pathways
1:25 pm-1:30 pm

Krishna Anand, MEng

1:30 pm-1:35 pm

Case presentation - OCA Biologic Augmentation
1:35 pm-1:40 pm

Adam B. Yanke, MD, PhD

Case presentation - Meniscus Repair with Biologic Augmentation
1:40 pm-1:45 pm

Katherine J. Coyner, MD

Case presentation - Rotator Cuff Repair with Biologic Augmentation (Bursa)
1:45 pm-1:50 pm

Augustus D. Mazzocca, MD, MS

Case presentation - Rotator Cuff Repair with Biologic Augmentation (BMAC)
1:50 pm-1:55 pm

Scott A. Rodeo, MD

FDA's Regenerative Medicine Framework
1:55 pm-2:05 pm

Peter Marks, MD, PhD, Director Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Panel Discussion
2:05 pm-2:15 pm
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Concurrent Session B: Management of the Athlete's Hip

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon C

Moderators: Stephen K. Aoki, MD and F. Winston Gwathmey, MD

Paper 11: Hip Cartilage Defects in Elite Athletes: Their Association with Specific Sports and ‘At-risk’ Motions
1:15 pm-1:20 pm

Aaron Casp, MD

Paper 12: Severity of Chondrolabral Junction Degeneration Predicts Conversion to Total Hip Arthroplasty after Arthroscopic Femoroacetabular Impingement Treatment at Minimum 10-Years Follow-Up
1:20 pm-1:25 pm

Charles Wang, MD

Paper 13: Traction Application Method Influences Force and Distraction Parameters at Venting and Capsulotomy
1:25 pm-1:30 pm

Travis G. Maak, MD

Paper 14: Is the Use of a Postoperative Hip Orthosis Beneficial Following Routine Arthroscopy of the Hip? A Retrospective Cohort Study
1:30 pm-1:35 pm

Dylan Wentzel, BS

1:35 pm-1:40 pm

My Approach to Osseous Over and Under Resection
1:40 pm-1:46 pm

Andrea M. Spiker, MD

The Failed Labrum Repair
1:46 pm-1:52 pm

Andrew B. Wolff, MD

What to Do with the Cartilage
1:52 pm-1:58 pm

Travis G. Maak, MD

Capsular Disasters
1:58 pm-2:04 pm

Joshua D. Harris, MD

Panel Discussion
2:05 pm-2:15 pm
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Concurrent Session C: An ISAKOS Perspective on Patellofemoral Pathology

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon E

Moderator: John G. Lane, MD

Welcome and Introduction
1:15 pm-1:20 pm

David A. Parker, MBBS, BMedSc, FRACS

Treatment of First-time Patellar Dislocation
1:21 pm-1:28 pm

Sebastian Irarrazaval, MD

Treatment of Cartilage Defects of the Patellofemoral Joint
1:29 pm-1:36 pm

John P. Fulkerson, MD

When to Add Derotation Osteotomy and the Various Techniques
1:37 pm-1:44 pm

Seth L. Sherman, MD

1:44 pm-1:52 pm

Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD

Habitual Patellar Dislocations
1:53 pm-2:00 pm

Daniel W. Green, MD

Panel Discussion
2:00 pm-2:15 pm
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Concurrent Session D: Pediatric Upper Extremity Injuries and Prevention

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon N

Moderators: Matthew J. Matava, MD and Jonathan C. Riboh, MD

Paper 15: 5 Year Radiographic and Functional Outcomes of Non-Operative Treatment of Completely Displaced Clavicle Fracture in Teenagers, A Prospective Study
1:15 pm-1:20 pm

Samuel G. Polinsky, BA

Paper 16: What Happens to Youth Baseball Players Diagnosed with Little League Shoulder and Little League Elbow?
1:20 pm-1:25 pm

Evan J. Jensen, BS

Paper 17: Decreased Glenohumeral External Rotation is associated with Elbow Injury in Adolescent Baseball Pitchers
1:25 pm-1:30 pm

Steven M. Karnyski, MD

1:30 pm-1:35 pm

STOP Sports Injuries Program History and Current Status
1:35 pm-1:45 pm

James R. Andrews, MD

Multicenter Research Update on Upper Extremity Research
1:45 pm-1:55 pm

Jeffrey J. Nepple, MD, MS

Case Presentations - First Time Shoulder Dislocation, Clavicle Fracture
1:55 pm-2:15 pm

Moderators: Matthew J. Matava, MD and Jonathan C. Riboh, MD


  • Benton E. Heyworth, MD

  • Henry B. Ellis, MD

  • Jeffrey J. Nepple, MD

  • Crystal A. Perkins, MD

2:25 pm - 3:25 pm

Concurrent Session A: Overhead Athlete - What's New in the Throwing Athlete 2023

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon L

Moderators: Christopher L. Camp, MD and John E. Conway, MD

Herodicus Award Paper 18: A Prospective, Randomized Trial of the Modified Jobe vs. Modified Docking Techniques for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction in the Elbow
2:25 pm-2:30 pm

Michael C. Ciccotti, MD

Herodicus Society

Paper 19: Fatigue of the Dynamic Stabilizers of the Medial Elbow in Baseball Pitchers
2:30 pm-2:35 pm

Michael J. Mullaney, DPT

Paper 20: Similar Clinical Outcomes Between Double Cortical Button and Docking Techniques for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction in Baseball Players
2:35 pm-2:40 pm

Richa Gupta, BS

Paper 21: Functional Outcomes of Primary Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair with Internal Bracing in Athletes
2:40 pm-2:45 pm

Benjamin Lynch, BA

2:45 pm-2:50 pm

Technique Spotlight Video: UCL Repair with Internal Brace
2:50 pm-2:56 pm

Steven B. Cohen, MD

Technique Spotlight Video: Latissimus Repair
2:56 pm-3:02 pm

Anthony A. Romeo, MD

Management of Capsular Injuries in the Overhead Athlete
3:02 pm-3:10 pm

Neal S. ElAttrache, MD

Three Things I’m Treating Now that I Wasn’t Treating 5 Years Ago
3:10 pm-3:18 pm

Mark S. Schickendantz, MD

Management of Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
3:18 pm-3:28 pm

Lori Michener, PhD, PT, ATC, FAPTA

2:25 pm - 3:25 pm

Concurrent Session B: Osteotomy - Taking the Load Off

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon C

Moderators: Michael J. Stuart, MD and Armando F. Vidal, MD

Paper 22: High Tibial Osteotomy: Return to Duty in an Active Duty Military Population
2:25 pm-2:30 pm

Scott Feeley, MD

Paper 23: Taking the Load Off: Effect of Varus Producing Distal Femoral Osteotomy and High Tibial Osteotomy on Compartment Pressures and Contact Area in Varying Stages of Knee Flexion
2:30 pm-2:35 pm

Jordan Liles, MD

Paper 24: Reliability of Posterior Tibial Slope Measurement on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Versus Computed Tomography
2:35 pm-2:40 pm

Deborah Wen, BS

Paper 25: The Impact of Posterior Tibial Slope on Meniscal Injury in Acute ACL Ruptures: A Large, Retrospective Registry Study
2:40 pm-2:45 pm

Ryan Thacher, MD

2:45 pm-2:50 pm

Debate: Proximal Tibial or Distal Femoral for Valgus Knee – Proximal Tibial
2:50 pm-2:55 pm

Anil Ranawat, MD

Debate: Proximal Tibial or Distal Femoral for Valgus Knee – Distal Femoral
2:55 pm-3:00 pm

Rachel M. Frank, MD

Discussion and Q&A
3:00 pm-3:07 pm

Debate: Proximal Tibial Osteotomy- Supratubercle or Subtubercle? – Supratubercle
3:07 pm-3:12 pm

Alan M. Getgood, MD, FRCS (Tr&Orth)

Debate: Proximal Tibial Osteotomy- Supratubercle or Subtubercle? – Subtubercle
3:12 pm-3:17 pm

Volker Musahl, MD

Discussion and Q&A
3:17 pm-3:25 pm
2:25 pm - 3:25 pm

Concurrent Session C: Sideline Emergencies

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon E

Moderator: Eric C. McCarty, MD and Francis O’Connor, MD

On Field Management of Acute Cardiac Events: How to be Prepared
2:25 pm-2:35 pm

Michael Casey Flanagan, MD

AMSSM Exchange Lecture: Management of Heat Injury
2:35 pm-2:45 pm

Francis O’Connor, MD

ACSM Exchange Lecture: Chest and Abdominal Injury
2:45 pm-2:55 pm

Jason Pothast, MD

Spinal Cord Injury
2:55 pm-3:05 pm

Andrew Dossett, MD

Q & A
3:05 pm-3:25 pm
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

General Session: Global All Stars of Arthroscopy

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderators: James P. Bradley, MD, and David Henri Dejour, MD

Cutting Edge Techniques in Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery: Arthroscopic Bone Block Stabilization and Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair with Tissue Augmentation & Subacromial Balloon Spacer
3:30 pm-4:00 pm

Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD and Felix H. Savoie, MD

Multi-Ligament Knee Reconstruction: Four Ligaments in 30 Minutes
4:00 pm-4:30 pm

Alan M. Getgood, MD, FRCS (Tr&Orth) and Volker Musahl, MD

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Welcome Night Kick-off Party

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

All registered attendees and guests are invited to the Welcome Night Kick-Off Party featuring Sports Activation Areas, including a pickleball court, golf simulator, and a family friendly game zone. Food, beverages, and surprise entertainment will all be included during this exciting special event!

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Friends of SOMOS Reception

Location: Marriott Marquis, Cherry Blossom Room

Join us for the annual gathering of our military members. All are welcome to attend this event that recognizes and celebrates sports medicine in the military. If you are current military, former military, a colleague or friend who cares for those who serve or who have served our country, please join us.

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Women's FORUM Meet Up

Location: Marriott Marquis, Magnolia Room

Visit with colleagues and enjoy the end of the first day of the AOSSM Annual Meeting. Forum members and prospective members are invited to attend.

7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Medical Publishing Group Dinner

The AOSSM Medical Publishing Group will host its annual dinner for members of the AJSM, Sports Health, OJSM and VJSM editorial boards and their guests. By invitation only.

8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

A Night Out with the Emerging Leaders

Location: Astro Beer Hall

All AOSSM members under the age of 45 are invited to attend this social event. Come network with your peers and the society’s leaders. Food and beverages will be provided. Astro Beer Hall is the place to be, with it's "Space Race" theme, great drinks, great food, sports, and games.

Supported by

6:00 am - 7:00 am

Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast

Location: Marriott Marquis, Georgetown Room

7:00 am - 8:30 am

Instructional Courses (IC201-IC208)*

8:45 am - 10:00 am

General Session: ACL

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderators: Constance R. Chu, MD and Lutul D. Farrow, MD

Paper 26: Clinical Outcomes of Combined ACL and Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction Versus Isolated ACL Reconstruction With Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Autograft As The Gold Standard: A Matched-Pair Analysis of 2018 Patients
8:45 am-8:50 am

Adnan Saithna, MD

Paper 27: Preoperative Risk Factors of Subsequent Ipsilateral ACL Revision Surgery following an ACL Restoration Procedure
8:50 am-8:55 am

Dennis E. Kramer, MD

Paper 28: Both Hamstring Autograft Combined with Lateral Extra-Articular Tenodesis and Quadriceps Autograft Lead to Lower Graft Re-Tear Rates and Pivot Shift After ACL Reconstruction Compared to Hamstring Autograft Alone
8:55 am-9:00 am

Kostas Economopoulos, MD

Technique Spotlight Video: Meniscus RAMP Brought to you by APKASS
9:00 am-9:07 am

Joon Ho Wang, MD

9:07 am-9:12 am

Paper 29: Untreated Type 4 Ramp Injuries at Index Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery Result in Higher Rates of Revision ACL-R within the First 2 Years
9:12 am-9:17 am

William M. McLaughlin III, MD

Paper 30: Lower Socioeconomic Status Adversely Affects Timing of Care and Rate of Re-Injury Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
9:17 am-9:22 am

Eduardo Natal Albelo, MD

Paper 31: Quantitative MRI of the Hamstring Muscles Ten Years After Autograft Hamstring ACLR
9:22 am-9:27 am

William Holden, MD

Technique Spotlight: Video: Not Your Average BEAR
9:27 am-9:34 am

Brett D. Owens, MD

9:34 am-9:39 am

Case Discussion: ACL Repair vs. ACL Reconstruction - Indications and Controversies
9:39 am-10:00 am

Moderator: Asheesh Bedi, MD


  • Craig H. Bennett, MD
  • Darren L. Johnson, MD
  • Brett D. Owens, MD
  • Seth L. Sherman, MD
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Exhibit Hall Open

10:00 am - 10:45 am

Exhibit Hall Break

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

10:45 am - 10:55 am

Presentation of the Robert E. Leach Award

Location: Marquis Ballroom

10:55 am - 11:30 am

Presidential Guest Speaker – Moving to Great

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Eric Boles, The Game Changers Inc.

Supported by BREG

11:30 am - 11:45 am

Annual Business Meeting

Location: Marquis Ballroom

11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Lunch Break in the Exhibit Hall

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Satellite Symposium: Advancing treatment options in the shoulder: From complex repairs to InSpace to Joint Replacement

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon E

Speakers: Dr. Nikhil Verma, JR Rudzki, Joseph Abboud and Matthew Bollier

Join our faculty as they discuss and debate treatment options along the shoulder continuum of care from repairs to reconstruction.

11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Satellite Symposium: Arthrex ShowCase Session: Enhanced Knotless Tensionable Fixation for the Knee

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon A

Speakers: Asheesh Bedi, MD. Patrick Smith, MD. Brian R. Waterman, MD. Sommer Hammoud, MD. Justin Mitchell, MD

In this engaging case-based and technique-driven session, faculty will demonstrate the latest advances in soft anchors and knotless technology for the knee. Additionally, this highly interactive session will introduce attendees to new innovations for the ACL, collaterals, meniscal root, and more.

1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

General Session: Meniscus

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderators: Sommer Hammoud, MD and Frank A. Petrigliano, MD

Paper 32: Meniscus Repair Outcomes and Reoperation Rate in Patients Over the Age of 40
1:15 pm-1:20 pm

Joshua D. Meade, BS

Paper 33: Superior Improvements in Knee Pain and Function with a Novel Synthetic Medial Meniscus Replacement Prosthesis Compared to Non-surgical Care in Subjects with Knee Pain Following Partial Meniscectomy: Three-year Results
1:20 pm-1:25 pm

Christian M. Lattermann, MD

Paper 34: Midterm Outcomes of Meniscal Allograft Transplantation in the Adolescent Population
1:25 pm-1:30 pm

Ryan Quigley, MD

Paper 35: Preoperative Predictors of Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy: The APM Index Score
1:30 pm-1:35 pm

Natalie Lowenstein, MPH, BS

Paper 36: Levels of Synovial Fluid Cytokines Predict Midterm Patient Reported Outcomes Following Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy
1:35 pm-1:40 pm

Amanda Avila, MPH, BS

1:40 pm-1:45 pm

Technique Spotlight Video: Meniscal Allograft Transplant
1:45 pm-1:53 pm

Annunziato Amendola, MD

Technique Spotlight Video: Meniscus Replacement Prosthesis (Nu Surface)
1:53 pm-2:01 pm

Wayne K. Gersoff, MD

Meniscus Repair: Curb Your Enthusiasm – When Repair is not Possible
2:01 pm-2:09 pm

David R. Diduch, MD

2:09 pm-2:15 pm
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Presidential Address

Location: Marquis Ballroom


Mark D. Miller, MD, PE, 2023 AOSSM President

Medallion Exchange
3:20 pm - 4:00 pm

Exhibit Hall Break

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Concurrent Session A: The Aging Athlete presented by The FORUM

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon L

Moderator: Vonda J. Wright, MD

Epidemiology & the Influence of Sex Hormones on Injury, Training & Treatment of Aging Athletes
4:00 pm-4:10 pm

Vonda J. Wright, MD

Upper Extremity Injury, Treatment and Return to Sport
4:10 pm-4:20 pm

Katherine Burns, MD

Lower Extremity Injury, Treatment and Return to Sport
4:20 pm-4:30 pm

Sabrina M. Strickland, MD

Biologics and New Technology Available to Treat Aging Athletes
4:30 pm-4:40 pm

Cassandra A. Lee, MD

The Athlete Experience and Injury Prevention in this Population
4:40 pm-4:50 pm

Karen Sutton, MD

4:50 pm-5:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Concurrent Session B: ESSKA: Shoulder Instability

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon C

Moderators: Roland Becker, MD and Nuno Gomes, MD

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Anterior Shoulder Instability: Is it Still an Option?
4:00 pm-4:10 pm

Michael Hantes, MD

Subcritical Bone Loss and Soft Tissue Procedures
4:10 pm-4:20 pm

Nuno Gomes, MD

The Latarjet: Transition from Open to Arthroscopic
4:20 pm-4:30 pm

Berte Boe, MD

Arthroscopic Bone Blocks
4:30 pm-4:40 pm

Ettore Taverna, MD

4:40 pm-5:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Concurrent Session C: Human vs. Machine: De-bugging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Sports Medicine

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon E

Moderators: James L. Carey, MD, MPH and Sharon L. Hame, MD

What is Machine Learning and Where Can It Go?
4:00 pm-4:07 pm

Prem N. Ramkumar, MD, MBA

Is Machine Learning Always the Way? What are the Ramifications for Insurance: Peers to Tears
4:07 pm-4:13 pm

David C. Landy, MD, PhD

Paper 42: A Novel Machine Learning (ML) Algorithm to Predict Outcomes After Revision ACLR (rACLR) in the Multicenter Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Study (MARS) Cohort
4:13 pm-4:18 pm

Laith M. Jazrawi, MD

Paper 43: Defining and Predicting the “Optimal Observed Outcome” Following Surgical Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Machine Learning Clustering Analysis of 200 Patients with 11-year Mean Follow up.
4:18 pm-4:23 pm

Christopher L. Camp, MD

Paper 44: Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Tool for Automated Radiographic Determination of Posterior Tibial Slope in Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
4:23 pm-4:28 pm

Yining Lu, MD

Paper 45: Which Osteochondritis Dissecans Subjects Will Heal Non-Operatively? An Application of Machine Learning Methods to the ROCK Cohort
4:28 pm-4:33 pm

Thomas Johnstone, BS

Paper 47: Deep Learning Accurately Predicts Supraspinatus Pathology on Shoulder Magnetic Resonance Imaging
4:33 pm-4:38 pm

Evan Polce, BS

Additive Value of Data Driven Virtual Reality on Human Performance
4:43 pm-4:50 pm

Danny Goel, MD

Machine Learning Panel Discussion with Q & A
4:55 pm-5:00 pm

Moderators: James L. Carey, MD, MPH and Sharon L. Hame, MD


  • Christopher L. Camp, MD
  • Danny Goel, MD
  • David C. Landy, MD, PhD
  • Prem N. Ramkumar, MD, MBA
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Concurrent Session D: Pediatric ACL

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon N

Moderators: Mininder S. Kocher, MD, MPH and Marc Tompkins, MD

Paper 37: Peri-Operative Complications, Safety, and Early Outcomes of a Novel ACL+ALL Reconstruction Technique using Iliotibial Band Autograft vs. Patellar Tendon ACL Reconstruction: A Retrospective Pilot Study of the SATURN Study Group
4:00 pm-4:05 pm

Benton E. Heyworth, MD

Paper 38: Addition of a Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis is Associated with Lower Quadriceps Tendon Autograft MRI Signal Intensity Two Years Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Skeletally Immature Adolescents
4:05 pm-4:10 pm

Julia Retzky, MD

Paper 39: A Survival Analysis of ACL Graft and Contralateral ACL Ruptures in Patients Under 18 Years
4:10 pm-4:15 pm

Kate Webster, PhD

Paper 40: Early Clinical Outcomes Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Quadriceps Tendon Autograft in an Adolescent Population Suggest Higher Rates of Arthrofibrosis with Bone-Block than all Soft Tissue.
4:15 pm-4:20 pm

Mauricio Drummond, MD

Paper 41: Increased Knee Valgus and Hip Adduction Moments after Hamstring Autograft compared to Quadriceps Autograft in Adolescents 6 Months after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
4:20 pm-4:25 pm

Sailesh V. Tummala, MD

4:25 pm-4:30 pm

Technique Spotlight: Physeal Sparing ACL with IT Band
4:30 pm-4:37 pm

Mininder S. Kocher, MD, MPH

Technique Spotlight: Femoral Physeal Sparing Technique
4:37 pm-4:44 pm

Emily Niu, MD

Debate - Prepubescents: IT Band vs All Epiphyseal, Adolescents: Transphyseal HS + LET vs Transphyseal Quad
4:44 pm-5:00 pm

Moderators: Mininder S. Kocher, MD, MPH and Marc Tompkins, MD


  • Henry B. Ellis Jr., MD

  • Theodore J. Ganley, MD

  • Emily Niu, MD
  • Neeraj M. Patel, MD, MPH, MBS

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society Reception

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Ballroom N

AOSSM is pleased to host a special gathering in partnership with the J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society (JRGOS). Clarence T. Shields, Jr., MD, will be the featured speaker at a special session of the prestigious J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society. Dr. Shields served as AOSSM President in 2001-02 and was inducted in to the AOSSM Hall of Fame in 2011. JRGOS members and all interested meeting attendees are invited to attend.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Traveling Fellows Reception

Location: Marriott Marquis, Tulip Room

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sports Medicine Fellowship Reception

Location: Marriott Marquis, Silver Linden Room

All Program Directors, Program Coordinators, Program Faculty, Residents and Fellows are welcome to join the Sports Medicine Fellowship Reception for continued networking opportunities with your peers and the society’s leaders.

7:00 am - 8:30 am

Instructional Courses (IC301-IC308)*

8:45 am - 10:00 am

General Session: Rotator Cuff

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderators: Robert T. Burks and Samuel A. Taylor, MD

2023 Hall of Fame Inductees
8:45 am-8:55 am

Join us as we recognize this year’s AOSSM Hall of Fame honorees.

Traveling Fellows Presentations
8:55 am-9:05 am

Paper 48: Association of 3D MRI Volumetric Assessment of Rotator Cuff Pathology with Preoperative Patient Reported Outcomes
9:05 am-9:10 am

Mikalyn DeFoor, MD, CAP USAF

Paper 50: Biceps Autograft Patch Augmentation for Rotator Cuff Repair: The Effect of Point of Care Compression on Tenocyte Viability
9:15 am-9:20 am

John M. Tokish, MD

Paper 51: A Radiostereometric Analysis of Tendon Migration Following Arthroscopic and Mini-Open Biceps Tenodesis: Interference Screw Confers Greater Construct Stability than All-Suture Anchor Fixation, with No Difference in Patient-Reported Outcome
9:20 am-9:25 am

Brian Forsythe, MD

9:25 am-9:30 am

Superior Capsular Reconstruction: Are We Getting What We Think? What’s the Evidence, What Are My Indications and Technique
9:30 am-9:36 am

Alison P. Toth, MD

Technique Spotlight Video: Subacromial Balloon Spacer – Up, Up and Away
9:36 am-9:42 am

Nikhil N. Verma, MD

Technique Spotlight Video: Cuff Repair with Biceps
9:42 am-9:50 am

John M. Tokish, MD

9:50 am-10:00 am
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Playmaker Grant Lab

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon N

Finalists for the Playmaker Grant will present their research strategies at a shark-tank session open to all meeting attendees. This session will provide panelists, finalists, and audience members the opportunity to interact with and discuss the merits of each proposal. All funding decisions will be made by standing members of the AOSSM Research Committee and a winner(s) will be selected on site!

10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Exhibit Hall Open

10:00 am - 10:45 am

Exhibit Hall Break

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

10:45 am - 11:45 am

Game Changer Session: Leadership

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderator: Mark D. Miller, MD, PE

Lessons in Leadership
10:45 am-11:00 am

General Edward A. Rice, Jr.

Panel Discussion
11:00 am-11:45 am

Moderator: Mark D. Miller, MD, PE


  • Annunziato Amendola, MD
  • Valerie Camillo
  • A. Bobby Chhabra, MD
  • General Edward A. Rice, Jr.

  • Dean C. Taylor, MD
  • John M. Tokish, MD
11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Lunch Break in the Exhibit Hall

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Satellite Symposium: Proper Use of Legal Entities for Lawsuit Protection and Tax Reduction

Speaker: John Kekel

Legally Mine will show you how to stop the threat of lawsuits before they ever get started by protecting your assets in time tested and proven legal structures. These same structures allow us to help our tax attorneys save what you would normally pay in income taxes. These are little known tax helps that have significant case history and have stood the test of time.

Legally Mine
11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Poster Presentations

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

Researchers from across the field present more than 250 posters featuring the latest insights. Hear directly from the authors and ask your questions!

1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Concurrent Session A: Scratching the Surface: Knee Cartilage

Location: Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon L

Moderators: David C. Flanigan, MD and Sabrina M. Strickland, MD

Paper 52: Pre- and Post-operative Patient Management by an Integrated Care Team Reduces Postoperative Failure Rates Following Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in the Knee
1:15 pm-1:20 pm

James Cook, DVM, PhD, OTSC

Paper 53: A Predictive Model for Mobile vs. Immobile Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesions of the Knee
1:20 pm-1:25 pm

Matthew D. Milewski, MD

Paper 54: Long Term Clinical and Radiological Review of Matrix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
1:25 pm-1:30 pm

Jay Ebert, B.ExRehab Sc (Hons), PhD, AEP, ESSAF

1:30 pm-1:35 pm

Management Algorithm of the Patellofemoral Chondral Lesions Compartment
1:35 pm-1:41 pm

Christian M. Lattermann, MD

Technique Spotlight Video: Osteochondral Allograft Resurfacing of the Patella
1:41 pm-1:47 pm

Adam B. Yanke, MD, PhD

What is on the Horizon in the Area of Cartilage Repair: Next Year, In Five Years, Eventually…
1:47 pm-1:55 pm

Scott A. Rodeo, MD

Challenging Injuries in Cartilage - Panel Discussion
1:55 pm-2:15 pm

Moderator: Riley J. Williams, MD


  • David C. Flanigan, MD
  • Christian M. Lattermann, MD
  • Scott A. Rodeo, MD
  • Sabrina M. Strickland, MD
  • Adam B. Yanke, MD, PhD
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Concurrent Session B: Shoulder 'Grab Bag'

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon C

Moderator: Jeffrey R. Dugas, MD and Brian C. Werner, MD

Paper 55: Kinematic Abnormalities in the Shoulder Girdle After Conservative or Surgical Treatment of the High-Grade Acromioclavicular Joint Disruption
1:15 pm-1:20 pm

Payam Zandiyeh, PhD

Paper 56: Dual Plate Fixation of Midshaft Clavicle Fractures May Reduce Reoperation Rates Compared to Single Plating with Anterior or Superior Fixation Techniques
1:20 pm-1:25 pm

Shaquille Charles, MSc

Paper 57: Can 2.0-mm Diameter Operative Arthroscopy Predict Appropriate Surgical Management of Intra-Articular Shoulder Pathology More Accurately than MRI? A Prospective, Blinded Clinical Trial
1:25 pm-1:30 pm

John A. Grotting, MD

Paper 58: Against Surgeons’ Advice: The Return to Sport in High Demand Weightlifters Following Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty at Average 3.6 Years Follow-up
1:30 pm-1:35 pm

Andrew Ames, MD

1:35 pm-1:40 pm

Technique Spotlight Video: Scapulothoracic Arthroscopy for Bursitis or Snapping Scapular Syndrome
1:40 pm-1:46 pm

Christopher R. Chuinard, MD, MPH

AC Injuries: My Current Indications for Operative Management and How I Fix These and Avoid Failure
1:46 pm-1:53 pm

Brian R. Wolf, MD, MS

Management of Shoulder Arthritis in the Young or High Demand Patient: Innovative Strategies in 2023
1:53 pm-2:00 pm

Kevin W. Farmer, MD

2:00 pm-2:05 pm

Case-based Panel Discussion: Shoulder Potpourri
2:05 pm-2:15 pm

Moderators: Jeffrey R. Dugas, MD and Brian C. Werner, MD


  • Christopher R. Chuinard, MD, MPH
  • Eric W. Carson, MD
  • Kevin W. Farmer, MD
  • Michael T. Freehill, MD
  • Brian R. Wolf, MD, MS
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Research Workshop

Location: Marriott Marquis, Congress Room

*Free to attend but registration is required.

For many AOSSM members, grant writing and research is now an integral part of your practice and may be an expectation of your institution. The AOSSM Research Committee presents a two-hour research workshop that addresses the needs of both junior, as well as more senior, surgeons.

Panel Discussion and Q&A
1:30 pm-2:30 pm

Panelists from various funding agencies (NIH, DOD, FDA) will be asked to highlight and discuss their funding priorities, their perspective on what makes a successful application, and what it takes to sit on a study section and review grant applications.

Developing Your Research Career in Early Practice
2:30 pm-3:30 pm

This session will include a panel discussion composed of physician researchers from different practice settings (academic, private practice, hospital employee, etc.). This moderator guided panel will discuss topics such as challenges conducting research in various settings, success stories, how to turn pilot funding into a larger grant, etc.

2:25 pm - 3:25 pm

Game Changer Session: Sports Performance Optimization

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderator: Robin V. West, MD

Group Discussion Participants:

  • Joseph Alderete Jr., MD, FAOA, COL, MC
  • Asheesh Bedi, MD
  • Stephania Bell, PT
  • Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN
  • Erica Force, PhD, CMPC
  • Marcel Pastoor, MS, CCS
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

General Session: Pushing the Limits - Team Physicians

Location: Marquis Ballroom

Moderators: Craig S. Mauro, MD and Gautam P. Yagnik, MD

Paper 59: No Difference in Post-Operative Outcomes for High-Grade Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery Performed Acutely vs Chronically
3:30 pm-3:35 pm

Ryan W. Paul, BS

Paper 60: Effect of Mouthguard Type on Severity of Concussion During Game-Related College Football Competition. A 16-Season Prospective Study
3:35 pm-3:40 pm

Michael C. Meyers, PhD FACSM

Paper 61: NCAA Football Players are at Higher Risk of Upper Extremity Injury After Concussion
3:40 pm-3:45 pm

Carson Gardner, MD

Paper 62: Predictors of Return to Activity at 2 Years After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Among Patients with High Baseline Pre-Injury Marx Activity Level
3:45 pm-3:50 pm

Andrew J. Sheean, MD

3:50 pm-3:55 pm

The Sports “Team”: How to Effectively Manage and Communicate with the Athlete, Athletic Trainer, Coach, and Agent in Professional Sports
3:55 pm-4:00 pm

Walter R. Lowe, MD

Gameday Injections: When and How

E. Lyle Cain, MD

Management of Hamstring Injuries: How to Limit Time Lost
4:05 pm-4:10 pm

James P. Bradley, MD

Team Doc Case Panel: Rapid Fire, Return to Play
4:10 pm-4:30 pm

Moderators: Christopher C. Kaeding, MD and Patrick A. Smith, MD

  1. In-season non-displaced mid-shaft clavicle fracture in hockey/football/soccer
  2. Primary shoulder dislocation with no bone loss in hockey/football
  3. Syndesmotic injury in-season in a football defensive back
  4. Longitudinal meniscal tear in soccer player heading into playoffs
  5. Grade 3 AC joint in the dominant arm of a QB
  6. Capsular tear in the shoulder of an MLB pitcher
  7. Jones fracture in a basketball player 6 weeks out from the NCAA tourney


  • James P. Bradley, MD
  • E. Lyle Cain, MD
  • Seth C. Gamradt, MD
  • Jeffrey A. Guy, MD
  • Lee D. Kaplan, MD
  • Walter R. Lowe, MD
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Closing Night Event

Location: National Museum of African American History and Culture

Say farewell to friends new and old over a delicious selection of food and drink. Transportation will be provided to and from all official AOSSM hotels.

*The Closing Night Event is complimentary for all registered attendees but be sure to select this event during the registration process if you plan to attend.

8:30 am - 9:30 am

General Session: Frontiers in Hip Arthroscopy

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon C

Moderators: J. W. Thomas Byrd, MD and Andrea M. Spiker, MD

Paper 63: Return to Long Distance Running After Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement
8:30 am-8:35 am

Niv Marom, MD

Paper 64: Patient Reported Outcomes Associated With “Completely Better” Status After Hip Arthroscopy
8:35 am-8:40 am

Sean Meredith, MD

Paper 65: Novel CT-Derived 3D Modeling Assessing Dysplastic Hips Versus Controls Demonstrates Decreased 2D Lateral Center Edge Angle, but not Tönnis Angle, Predicts Decreased 3D Anterolateral Coverage
8:40 am-8:45 am

Jordan Larson, BS

Paper 66: Short-Term Outcomes in Hip Arthroscopy Patients Participating in Formal Physical Therapy vs a Home Exercise Program: A Prospectively Enrolled Cohort Analysis
8:45 am-8:50 am

Taylor Hobson, MD

8:50 am-8:55 am

Debate: Hamstring Repairs Should be Performed Endoscopically
8:58 am-9:04 am

Carlos A. Guanche, MD

Debate: Hamstring Repairs Should be Performed Open
9:05 am-9:11 am

Michael B. Gerhardt, MD

Debate: Abductor Repairs Should be Performed Endoscopically
9:12 am-9:18 am

Jovan Laskovski, MD

Debate: Abductor Repairs Should be Performed Open
9:19 am-9:25 am

Bryan T. Kelly, MD

9:25 am-9:30 am
9:40 am - 10:40 am

Concurrent Session A: Foot and Ankle

Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon C

Paper 68: Outcomes Following Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Achilles Tendinopathy at Short to Mid-term Follow-up
9:45 am-9:50 am

James J. Butler MB, BCh

Paper 69: Do Patients Participate in Sports or Recreational Activity After Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation of the Talus?
9:50 am-9:55 am

Aliasgar H. Dalal, MD

9:55 am-10:00 am

Management of Forefoot Pathology in the High-Level Athlete
10:00 am-10:10 am

Kyle R. Duchman, MD

Case Presentation and Panel Discussion with Q&A
10:10 am-10:20 am

MaCalus V. Hogan, MD

Impingement Pathology in the Athlete
10:20 am-10:30 am

Steven L. Martin, MD

Case Presentation and Panel Discussion with Q&A
10:30 am-10:40 am

Kirk A. McCullough, MD

9:40 am - 10:40 am

Concurrent Session B: SLARD: Management Strategies for the ACL in Football/Soccer

Location: Marriott Marquis, Monument Room

Moderator: Rodrigo Maestu, MD

9:40 am-9:45 am

Rodrigo Maestu, MD

ACL with BTB
9:45 am-9:51 am

Salomon Zurita, MD

ACL with Quad
9:51 am-9:57 am

Hernan Galan, MD

ACL Physiologic Reconstruction with Hamstring
9:57 am-10:03 am

Guillermo Zvietkovich, MD

When Extra-Articular Tenodesis in Soccer?
10:03 am-10:09 am

Matias Costa Paz, MD

Return to Soccer after ACL Reconstruction
10:09 am-10:15 am

Sebastian Irarrazabal, MD

10:15 am-10:40 am
10:40 am - 10:40 am


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